
Books of Sample Question Papers are Available at:


SATST and ESSAY competitions:


SATST (Science Aptitude & Talent Search Test), 2024 for classes III to X, ESSAY COMPETITIONS, 2024 for classes III-XII will be held on SUNDAY, the 22nd September, 2024 as per the following schedule.

SATST andESSAY COMPETITION Programmes on 22 -09-2024




Fees (including centre fees)

Total no. of items

Maximum Marks

Science Aptitude & Talent Search Test


10am to 11-45am






1-30pm to 4pm




Essay Competition


12-15pm to 1 pm

Rs.35+05 = Rs.40

One essay on a science topic


Any institution/centre willing to hold the above tests and competitions may contact the General Secretary, AISTA, WB (or any other executive body member) before the end of the month of June 2024. They are to collect stationery and subsequently notify regarding the tests by 1st week of July to different neighbouring schools so that the conveners may send their requisition of questions etc. at least 6 weeks before the date of each test.

For Science Aptitude and Talent Search Test, MCQs on Science, Environment and Mathematics, both in English and Bengali versions (using separate question papers) will be set. Each question will be followed by four probable answers from which the correct or the best answer is to be chosen.

For SATST class-wise syllabi of West Bengal Board is followed. However, in the question paper of each class, last 25% of the syllabus of Science and Mathematics of the just previous class and first 75% of each section of syllabus of Science and Mathematics of the present class will be included.

Conveners of different centres will get (entire amount of centre fees for centre charge) and 20% of examination fees to conduct examinations. Conveners of districts other than Kolkata will get an additional amount of 20% of examination fees to give away prizes to the candidates who would perform better in the tests. Prizes will be given to some top performers at state level.

AISTA arranges the programmes of prize distribution for the students of Kolkata. Conveners will get our publications of the association at discounted rates.


Science Aptitude & Talent Search Test (SATST) and Essay Competition for the students of different classes were conducted in 126 centres at different places in West Bengal on 24th September, 2023.

RESULT: Results of SATST & ESSAY COMPETITION, 2023 was declared on 13th December, 2023.


Science Pre-Olympiad (SPO) 2024 (for classes V, VI, VII and VIII only) will be held offline and online at the same time on Sunday, 15-12-2024.

It is a test with MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ). Students, who have extended their horizon of knowledge, experience and achievement beyond school criteria will find this test highly challenging and interesting.

It will help them to prepare for National and International Level Olympiads for which they would sit in future.

Details regarding the SPO test are given below.

Day and date of Examination


Time of Examination

No. of multiple choice questions

Full Marks

Marking system

Examination fees (incl. centre fee Rs.10)



Sunday, 15-12-2024

V & VI

11 am to 1pm

Env. Sc.: 30

Maths: 30

Total: 60

60×4 = 240

(+4)marks for eachcorrect answer.

(-1)mark for eachwrong answer

Rs. 80/-

(70/- +10/-)

As approved by CBSE/ WBBSE/ ICSE


11am to


Life Sc.: 30

Phy Sc.: 40

Maths: 30

Total: 100

100×4= 400

Rs. 100/-

(90/- +10/-)

  • Both English and Bengali versions of questions will be available.
  • Registration (for offline test) will continue till 20-11-2024 in the respective centres. For online test, Registration in website will start in September 2024 and continue till 05-12-24.
  • Results will be given in detail: item nos. correctly/ wrongly answered/ un-attempted/
  • Performance certificates with grades will be given to top 20% (top 1% A+,next 5% A,next 14% B) students.
  • Prizes will be given to some top performers at state level and locally to some other good performers.
  • Emergency contacts:8582869768, 8697536125, 9874116898, 8240677405

Heads of institutions (or teachers authorized by heads of institutions/ Secretaries of Science Clubs etc.) are invited to act as conveners for SPO-2024. Interested persons are requested to contact the under mentioned persons regarding this at the earliest.

BanabihariPatra, Vice-President (Admn.), AISTA,WB, phone no.: 8582869768

Dr. DebabrataMajumdar, Vice-President (Academic), phone no. 8240677405

SimaNayak, Jt. Secretary,  AISTA,WB, phone no.: 8697536125

Shikha Mukherjee, Executive Com. Member, AISTA,WB, phone no.: 9874116898

Some further details necessary to the conveners of the test are given below:

  • A provisional list of class-wise (number of candidates only, not names) registration must be sent to the office of the Association by 22-11-2024 online or whatsoever. On communication of this provisional list, the centre for SPO-2024 will approved.

Final list of registered candidates is to be submitted to get questions etc. and the Association will provide only 10% extra (of final list of candidates) questions (min 01). 

  • To arrange the centre and to meet the expenses to conduct the test, conveners will get centre fees (Rs.10/-) and 20% of fees (Rs.14/- for classes V and VI & Rs.18/- for classes VII and VIII).
  • For Examination Centres in Kolkata, prizes to eligible candidates will be given directly by AISTA,WB.

So, the conveners of Centres in Kolkata will send Rs. 56/- (for classes V & VI) and Rs. 72/- (for classes VII & VIII) for each registered candidate to the Association at the time of sending final class-wise (number only) registration.

  • For Examination Centres outside Kolkata, prizes to eligible candidates will be given directly by respective Examination Centres. Conveners will keep 20% of Examination fees for this purpose.

So, the conveners of centres outside Kolkata will send Rs. 42/- (for classes V & VI) and Rs. 54/- (for classes VII & VIII) for each registered candidate to the Association at the time of sending final class-wise (number only) registration.

  • In case, teachers/ conveners do not find adequate number of candidates for offline test in their centres, they may kindly assist the students (who would be able to appear for the test using android phone) to register online.

Information regarding IMMEDIATE PAST SPO:

SCIENCE PRE-OLYMPIAD FOR THE STUDENTS OF CLASSES V TO VIII was conducted in 16 centres at different places in West Bengal on 17th December, 2023. Results of SPO, 2023 was declared on 31st January, 2024. As the number of students was small, only 7 students were awarded A+.


Annual Sit and draw competition for students of classes III to VI, Model competition for students of classes VII to XII, Science Talk competition for students of classes VII to XII, Quiz on Science, Environment and Mathematics for classes VII to XII 2024 was held on 22-06-2024. About 300 students from 46 schools joined the programmes. Top three position holders for each section were awarded prizes and all others were awarded satisfactory participation certificates.

Notices for these programmes for the next year will appear in this section in due course.

Direct contact Programmes in classes with students are now called Notunbhabe shikhi. Five such programmes were held in the period between the annual conferences of 2023 and 2024. Notices for upcoming programmes will appear in this section in due course.

ONLINE LEARNING PROGRAMME ENTITLED “AMRA SHIKHI” (WE LEARN) has been launched at the Annual Conference, 2024 of the association. A notice for the programmes is appended here.

Students and teachers are requested to join this programme. Retired teachers, persons interested in innovative learning and teaching programmes  (but formally spent in other services) are also welcome in this forum.

Initially, one group will be formed for students of each class. Thus five groups will be formed for five classes. Afterwards, we may form more than one group for some classes, if number of students increase and adequate number of competent teachers be available for this

25/1, Chandranath Chatterjee Street, Kolkata-700025
Regn. No : S/IL/86866 of 2011-2012  Mob No : 9748815293
e-mail: 

To                                                                                                                                                                                                         Date: ……………………………

The Headmaster/Headmistress,





As in previous years, All India Science Teachers’ Association, West Bengal (AISTA, WB) is organizing Science Aptitude and Talent Search Test (SATST) for classes III to X and Essay Competition for Classes III to XII at different centers in West Bengal on 22nd September, 2024.

We invite the students of your school to participate in these tests and competitions. This announcement letter may please be circulated among the students of your school and then put up on the Notice Board in your school.

Kindly send the list of the names of the students of your school class-wise and test-wise mentioning the medium of instruction along with the examination fees to the undersigned.

Last date of submission of list of names with fees: 4th September, 2024.

Yours sincerely,


Seal with address

                                                                                                                             PROGRAMME OF TESTS 





Total no of questions


Science Aptitude and Talent

Search Test (SATST)


and VI

10 am to 11-45 am

 Rs. 50 +  Rs. 10 =  Rs.60 per student to conduct the Tests

Science            30

 Mathematics: 30


Same as above


and X

1-30 pm to 4 pm

 Rs. 70 +  Rs. 10 =  Rs.80 per student to conduct the Tests

Life Science           30

Physical  Science: 40

Mathematics         30


Essay Competition


12-15 pm to 1-00 pm

 Rs. 35 +  Rs. 5 =  Rs.40 per student to conduct the Tests

One Essay on Scientific


  • Objective type of questions in Science and Mathematics will be set both in Bengali and in English versions. Each question will be followed by 4 probable answers from which the correct/the best answer is to be chosen. For each correct answer 1 mark is to be awarded and for 3 wrong answers 1 mark is to be
  • Convener of every examination centre will get 20% of examination fees and the centre fees (10/ 5) per student to conduct the Conveners of districts other than Kolkata will get additional 20% of examination fees to give away prizes to the students performing better in SATST & essay competition. The prize distribution for the students of Kolkata district will be arranged by AISTA, WB.
  • For opening new centres for above tests, the intending authority is requested to contact the Gen. Secretary (Mob: 7001345321), Secretary (mob: 8697536125) or Vice-president (mob: 8582869768) of AISTA, WB.
  • All Conveners will get our publications at discounted rates.

                                                                                                             ◈ SYLLABUS

In the question papers, for each class 75% syllabus of science and mathematics of present class and 25% of that of previous class will be included according to the recommendations of WBBSE.

                                                                                    STATE LEVEL COMPETITION, 2024◈
                                                                                                   Date: 22nd June, 2024.
                                                                                         Venue: JADAVPUR VIDYAPITH.
                                                                188, Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032
                                                                                    Time for name-registration: 9-30 am.
  1. From 10-30 am to 11-30 am:
  2. ‘SIT & DRAW’ Competition

1st Group

Class III & IV


A Pollution free town or village ‘market’.

2nd Group

Class V & VI


Road Pollution in populated area.

* From one school only one candidate can take part in each group.

  1. From 10-30 am to 11-30 am:

                                                                                              Model Making Competition

1st Group

Class VII & VIII


Use of nonconventional energy

2nd Group

Class IX & X


Water Conservation.

3rd Group

Class XI & XII


Global warming.

* From one school, one model i.e., two candidates can take part in each group.

  1. From 11-30 am to 12-30 pm:

                                                               Lecture Competition on the topic of science and environment

  1. 1st Group

    Class VII & VIII


    1.   We should stop Global Warming.

    2.   Contribution of Charles Darwin in Science.

    3.   Video games and its effect on child’s mind.

    2nd Group

    Class IX & X


    1.   Robot comes to your home.

    2.   Future of electric cars.

    3.   Chandrayaan-3, its aims and learning from it.

    3rd Group

    Class XI & XII


    1.   Fascinating information regarding our brain.

    2.   Future of Artificial Intelligence.

    3.   Major technological changes since 2000.

      • From one school, one candidate can take part in each The topic should be chosen through Lottery. Time : 5 minute.
      • use of chart or model will be
  1. From 12-30 pm:

                                                                                                        Quiz Contest

1st Group

Class VII & VIII

2nd Group

Class IX & X

3rd Group

Class XI & XII

* From one school, one team of two candidates can take part in each group.

** The Judges’ decision will be considered final in the above competitions and 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners will be awarded. Each participant will get participation certificate.

The School Authorities should send the proper list of willing candidates taking part in the above mentioned competitions within 12-06-2024 through WhatsApp to the following persons.

  1. SIMA NAYAK : 8697536125. 2. SHIKHA MUKHERJEE : 9874116898.


Result of SATST & ESSAY COMPETITION, 2023 has been declared on 13th December, 2023 and that of SPO, 2023 on 31st January, 2024.

On 24th September, 2023 All India Science Teachers’ Association, West Bengal (AISTA,WB) conducted Science Aptitude & Talent Search Test (SATST) and Essay Competition for the students of West Bengal. AISTA,WB also conducted Science Pre Olympiad (SPO) on 17th December, 2023.

Result of SATST, 2023 (1st to 5th Rank, only)
1st Abhinandan Pradhan. Santipur S Sikshayatan. MID-11D 
2nd Anuska Mandal. Jnanendra Sishu Vidyamandir. PGS-27. 
3rd Milan Malik. Ideal Institute of Janai. HOO-08. 
3rd Deepannita Das. Kakali Primary School. KOL-38. 
4th Arjama Ghosh. Kakali Primary School. KOL-38. 
4th Sreoshi Guha. Kakali Primary School. KOL-38. 
4th Asmi Mondal. Kakali Primary School. KOL-38. 
4th Arunava Nath. Harinavi ASFP School. PGS-39 
4th Samreddho Chakraborty. NewAlipur Multipurpose School KOL-30.
5th Rupsa Halder. Jnanendra Sishu Vidyamandir. PGS-27.
1st Adhaya Malik. Dakshin Khila Narikelberia Primary School HOW-03.
1st Anudeepta Khan. Barbahanpota Pallipran Primary School MID-32C.
2nd Adrija Ghora. Uttar Gobindanagar School. MID-38.
3rd Adarsha Sain. Kotulpur Educare Pre-primary & Primary School. BNK-01.
3rd Soumik Saha. P J B School. PGN-11.
3rd Ahaana Baital. Kakali Primary School. KOL-38.
4th Alekhya Ghosh. Jadavpur Vidyapith. KOL-05.
5th Subhrajit Jana. Chalantik Nursery & K.G. PGS-10.
5th Smarto Das. P N KG School. PGN-11.
1st Shreyan Mondal. RKM Vidyalaya, Nrendrapur. PGS-19.
1st Aishiki Gantait. Purba Chilka Lalchand High School MID-33.
2nd Mayukh Polley. Howrah Zilla School. HOW-03
3rd Sachin Dey. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur PGS-19.
3rd Kusumita Das. Anara Girls’ High School Purulia. PUR-01.
3rd Sohan Dutta. T S Sanatan High School. PGS-16.
4th Koustav Dey. Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan. PGN-02.
5th Soumendu Pandit. KTPP High School. MID-02.
5th Samriddhi Porey KTPP High School. MID-32B
1st Shubham Sinha. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
1st Arjes Bhunia. Khukurdaha ICMM High School MID-38.
2nd Diptiman Mahata. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
2nd Ayantik Das. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
3rd Ushnik Ghosh Dastidar RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Srijan Saha. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Mukul Chandra Mondal. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Anumitra Ghosh. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Ritayan Roy. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Sreejit Gayen. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Adriraj Chakraborty. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
4th Supratim Gayen. Bishnupur High School,Bankura BNK-02.
5th Shantamit Sarkar. New Alipur Multipurpose School. KOL-30.
1st Shankhadeep Maji. KTPP High School. MID-02.
2nd Farhan Khan. KTPP High School. MID-02.
3rd Soumabha Khatua. KTPP High School. MID-11C.
4th Rajarshi Chowdhury. Jalpaiguri Zilla School. JAL-03.
4th Avibrato Dey. Jalpaiguri Zilla School. JAL-03.
4th Prachir Saren. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
5th Monojit Pradhan. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
1st Aniket Sil. Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan. PGN-02 
2nd Riddhiman Maity. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19. 
2nd Soumyajit Banerjee. Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan. PGN-02 
3rd Shuvayswarya Rano. B. M High School. MUR-03. 
3rd Tufan Dey. Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan. PGN-02 
4th Arghadeep Roy. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19. 
5th Apratim Misra. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19. 
5th Syamantak Kundu. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19. 
5th Sayan Saha. Naihati Narendra Vidyaniketan. PGN-02 
5th Ayan Basak. Bishnupur High School, Nadia. NAD-11. 
1st Abhrodeep Mondal. Sarada Vidyapith (H.S) PGS-35.
2nd Dipayan Mondal. Sarada Vidyapith (H.S) PGS-35.
3rd Anurup Chakraborty. Sarada Vidyapith (H.S) PGS-35.
4th Solanki Saha. Sri Sarada Ashrama Balika Vidyalaya. KOL-30.
5th Dibyayan Mondal. RKM Vidyalaya, Narendrapur. PGS-19.
1st Soumik Ghosh. Prafullanagar Vidyamandir. PGN-11.
2nd Shobhan Datta. Prafullanagar Vidyamandir. PGN-11.
3rd Swarnendu Chattopadhyay Belgharia High School. PGN-03
4th Sohel Shaikh. Mosodda High School. MUR-05.
4th Manami Mondal. UGMK Girls’ High School, Asansol BUR-07.
4th Debajit Sarkar. Jalpiguri Zilla School. JAL-03
4th Poulastya Chakraborty. Jalpaiguri Zilla School JAL-03
4th Jayostu Modak. Jalpaiguri Zilla School JAL-03
4th Ananyo Kar. Jalpaiguri Zilla School JAL-03

SPO, 2023 (A+ grade holders, only)

1stAishi Dutta.Malpar Vivekananda ShikshaniketanMID-36.
2ndAbhi Bera.Malpar Vivekananda ShikshaniketanMID-36.
1stSoumya BhuniaRuinan High School.MID-36
2ndMayukh Paul.Mahesh Sri Ramkrishna AshramHOO-09.
1stTathagata Sarkar.Mahesh Sri Ramkrishna AshramHOO-09.
1stRiddhi Das Adhikari.Malpar Vivekananda ShikshaniketanMID-36.
2ndSrishti Hazra.Sri Ritam Vidyapith.KOL-09.

ESSAY COMPETITION, 2023(Toppers, only)

ClassName of Topper Name of School.Code
VIndrakshi Samanta.KTPP High School.MID-02.
VIAbantika HaldarA P Nagar A K Roy Vidyayatan for Girls High School.PGS-35.
VIIAnumegha Banerjee.St. John’s Diocesan Girls’ Higher Secondary School.KOL-06.
VIIIBivabari Bhattacharjee.Sarada Vidyapith.PGS-35.
IXPratyusha Ghosh.KTPP High School.MID-02.
XRaj Mondal.Narayanpur Haricharan Tarafdar High School(H.S)PGN-10.
XIIEvia ChakravartiKTPP High School.MID-02.



            A+ grade

            A grade

            B grade


     53 & above

     45 – 52

     35 – 44


     55 & above

     48 – 54

     37 – 47


     47 & above

     38 – 46

     29 – 37


     49 & above

     41 – 48

     33 – 40


     82 & above

     67 – 81

     50 – 66


     91 & above

     78 – 90

     61 – 77


     89 & above

     77 – 88

     61 – 76


     91 & above

     81 – 91

     63 -80











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